AG Students Spring Conference
Students, join us as we partner with Heights Community Church March 1-2, 2024 for our annual student weekend! This is going to be a fun weekend to grow deeper in our relationship with the Lord and with one another.

To register, please fill out the Registration Form within the calendar event. In addition to the registration form, please also fill out the medical release form. You can print and sign it and bring it to the church building anytime before Feb 25, or there will be printed copies available at the church.

General Schedule:
We will meet at Heights Community Church (231 S Bluff Rd, Collinsville, IL 62234) at 6:30pm on Friday, March 1. After games, worship, teaching from local pastor Paul Fernandes, and small groups, students will go to August Gate host homes sorted by gender and age to spend the night. On Saturday morning, students will come back to Heights for a morning session. After lunch, we’ll have time together with just our church, then will return to Heights for the final session at 6pm on Saturday. Pick up your students at 10pm from Heights Community Church on Saturday, March 2nd.

What to pack:
Please have your students bring a sleeping bag, pillow, pajamas, change of clothes, coat, toiletries, Bible, journal, and pen.

Eat dinner before arriving on Friday night. Snacks on Friday night and breakfast, lunch, and dinner on Saturday will be provided.

The cost will be $30/student. Please pay for your student(s) through the registration page. Please let us know if the cost will be a hindrance in any way to your students or their friends attending, and we will make it work!

Finally, please encourage your students to invite a friend, and please pray that God would work mightily in the heart of each and every student who will attend!