AG Kids Camp 2024 Volunteer Registration

AG Kids Camp is coming from June 24-28, 9am-12:15 each day, and we need your help! Thanks for taking a few minutes to fill out our volunteer form, and thanks for being awesome and serving with us to bring the Gospel to kids this summer!

Main Areas for Serving

Do you want to know how you can serve? We are looking for volunteers for all of the following areas.  
  • Registration
  • Nursery worker
  • Pre-K Lead Teacher - Prepare and teach daily Bible lessons, teach abbreviated Missions lesson, guide the kids' free-play time in the classroom, escort the kids to their other classes, and have so much fun with them!
  • Preschool/Kindergarten Helper - Go with the kids to their classes and help them have fun! 
  • Kindergarten Lead Teacher - Prepare and teach daily Bible lessons, escort the kids to their other classes, and have fun with them!
  • 1st-5th grade group leader - Go with the kids to all their classes and help them have fun!
  • Recreation Leader/Helper (PreK/K or 1st-5th grades) - Game ideas are provided
  • Security - Help us maintain a safe environment for the kids
  • Hospitality (for the volunteers)
  • Tech Team - Slides, sound, and/or lights
  • Song Motions Leader/Teacher - Leading or teaching the motions of our Kids Camp songs (motion videos are provided)
  • Non Teaching Helper - Helps with Missions, Bible, Craft, or Snack Time
  • Skit Actor - Be prepared to dress up and be loud and silly on stage during our Opening Rally